The history of this small town is inextricably intertwined with that of Venice: in 1291, Motta di Livenza became the first mainland possession of the Serenissima, earning it the nickname "first-born daughter of the Serenissima" and subsequently, in 1511, "favorite daughter of the Serenissima Republic."
The town is in fact strategically situated along the Via Postumia, an ancient thoroughfare dating back to the Roman Empire, which originally served as a transit area before being broken up into fiefdoms and dioceses.
The choice of the town's name was not accidental: it contains a reference to the structure of the terrain (the Italian term "motte" is used in toponymy to identify small dips in the land) and the Friulian origins of the family (LA DI is a Friulian expression that means "at the house of").
It is a tribute to Maria, a Friulian by birth, who was a resourceful, strong-willed and determined woman
An entrepreneur with a strong character and an open mind, a modern woman in a strongly patriarchal era.
An homage to a great woman who, with her husband Carlo, founded the company Botter and actively contributed to its growth.